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  • Residents of the spiritual world. Who are they?

    Who is Kṛṣṇa and who is the girl with Kṛṣṇa? The sweet fruit of the Veda tree What is the special significance of Sukadev's appearance at the sages meeting? Pure nature of the spiritual world Different moods of parakīyā-bhāva What did Nanda Mahārāj do that Kṛṣṇa is crawling in his courtyard? Mahaprabhu is extending Kṛṣṇa Are there any great yogīs in Vṛndāvan? What is the circular nature of the divine Pastimes? Which rāsa is the best? Karma or devotion?

    Chiang Mai 2013 - Residents of the spiritual world. Who are they?

    Автор: Бхакти Судхир Госвами Cycle: Chiang Mai 2013 Загрузил: Radha Raman das Дата загрузки: 12 December, 2013
    Продолжительность: 00:55:30 Дата: 2013-02-06 Размер: 76.24Mb Место: Гупта Говардхан Чианг Май Скачано: 4390 Проиграно раз: 9449
    Протегировал(а): Nalina Sundari d.d. Редактировано: Nalina Sundari d.d., Birchandra Das Перевел(а) на русский:: Nalina Sundari d.d. транскрибирование: Yuvati Devi Dasi

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