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  • Virajar Pare Suddha

    Song's name: Śrī Rādhāṣṭaka, 2
    Written by Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur

    Kirtans sung by Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj and Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj on Rādhāṣṭamī Day in 1982.

    We apologise for the audio quality. It's being posted as vintage classic recordings.

    Sri Radhastami 1992 - Virajar Pare Suddha

    Author: Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj Cycle: Sri Radhastami 1992 Uploaded by: Radha Raman das Created at: 19 November, 2012
    Duration: 00:03:08 Size: 4.31Mb Place: SCSMath Nabadwip Downloaded: 2957 Played: 6483

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    virajār pāre śuddha-paravyoma-dhām
    tad upari śrī-gokula-vṛndāraṇya nām
    1 Beyond the Virajā River lies the pure spiritual sky, and above that Vaikuṇṭha realm lies the divine abode known as Śrī Goloka Vṛndāvan.
    vṛndāvana chintāmaṇi, chid-ānanda-ratna-khani,
    chinmoy apūrvva-daraśan
    ta̐hi mājhe chamatkār, kṛṣṇa vanaspati sār,
    nīla-maṇi tamāla jemon
    2 The land of Vṛndāvan is made of spiritual gems and is therefore likened to a mine of fully cognizant and blissful jewels. This transcendentally conscious realm is certainly a wonderful and extraordinary sight. Within that abode is the most astonishing presence of Lord Krishna, who is compared to a tamāl tree, the king of trees possessing the hue of a dark sapphire.
    tāhe eka svarna-mayī, latā sarvva-dhāma-jayī,
    uthiyāche parama-pāvanī
    hlādinī-śaktir sār, ‘mahābhāva’ nām jār,
    3 Entwined upon that blackish tree a beautiful golden creeper has arisen, who is the conqueror of all realms, being the supreme purifier. Her name is Mahābhāva, being the essence of the supreme pleasure-giving hlādinī potency. She is the enchantress of Śrī Krishna, who is Himself the enchanter of the three worlds.
    rādhā-nāme parichita, tuṣiyā govinda-chita,
    virājaye parama ānande
    sei latā-patra-phul, lalitādi sakhī-kul,
    sobe mili’ vṛkṣe dṛḍha bāndhe
    4 Known by the name of Rādhā, She remains shining there in great ecstasy, always engaged in satisfying Govinda’s heart. The leaves and flowers of that creeper form the assembly of Her girlfriends headed by Lalitā. Together She and all Her friends entwine that blackish tree in a tight embrace.
    latāra paraśe praphulla tamāl
    latā chāḍi’ nāhi rohe kono kāl 
    5 At the touch of this creeper, the Tamāl tree blooms; without the embrace of the creeper, He can no longer exist.
    tamāla chaḍiyā latā nāhi bā̐che
    se latā milan sadā-kāla jāche 
    6 The creeper never desires to leave the company of the Tamāl tree; the creeper perpetually craves Their union.
    bhakativinoda milana do̐hār
    nā chāhe kokhona vinā kichu ār 
    7 Other than the meeting of these Two, Bhaktivinoda desires but nothing else.